Administrative Updates to OAM Grants Users Better Conference Calls
Everyday conference calls should be a simple thing.

The last thing you want getting in the way of an important conference call is the back-end and administrative management of audio rooms.
At MeetingOne, we’re pleased to announce updates to Online Account Management (OAM) will simplify many administrative tasks—and foster better conference calls. As of November 26th, 2016, users will now benefit from improvements for bulk provisioning, advanced room security, and faster access to call recordings.
Get the update details below!
Back-End Management, Front House Benefit

Enhanced Caller Provisioning
One of the luxuries of audio conferencing is the ease of dialing out from an audio room to conference call participants. But there can be complications. The first complication: uploading or importing contacts into an audio room’s directory. The second: simple provisioning of attendee’s contacts. In our update to OAM, we tackled both.
We wanted to make uploading contacts an easier process. To do so, we revamped OAM’s ability to upload bulk contact information into a user’s Directory. Where contacts formerly had to be uploaded to OAM in 50-100 person clusters, now the contact information for 1,500+ people can be migrated into OAM without issue. Customers will be able to upload all of their contacts into OAM all at once. In the long run, this should save customers time preparing for their calls.
These updates have also expanded participant provisioning options for OAM customers. As part of the contact upload process, users can designate chosen participants to be Whitelisted. Whitelisting a participant allows them immediate entry to a conference call without access codes—even if such codes are required. It’s like granting them VIP access!

Audio Room Security
Continuing to safeguard the privacy of customers’ audio rooms is a priority for MeetingOne. Consequently, we’ve worked to help our users better secure their conference calls with updates to OAM that directly impact Click&Meet.
In this update, we enhanced the functionality of one of our important security settings. Our audio conferencing platform was previously hard-coded to drop callers who made 3 failed attempts to join an audio room with an IAC. The measure was in place to help ensure the security of our customers’ audio rooms. With this update, we’ve given our customers the control to determine how many access attempts they will offer callers.
In OAM’s Settings Tab, our customers will find the “Maximum IAC Attempts” category under the “Room Settings” column. To meet their use case needs, our customer’s now can quickly change the number of access attempts they want for their audio rooms. The default setting will remain 3 attempts. Defaulting to 3 attempts ensures our customer’s conference calls will remain secure, even if they decide not to alter the number of access attempts.
The security update is directly connected to Click&Meet. Read more about the Click&Meet security updates.

Instant Access to Audio Room Recordings
Nowadays, recording each and every conference call is a vital practice. Those recordings can then be redistributed to participants for review, forwarded to absentees to study, or even kept on file for company records. The future of better conference call recordings, though, is all about creating instantaneous access.
Accessing audio room recordings has become a one-step process with the most recent updates to OAM. Once room recordings become available, users will receive an immediate email notification. The email itself will provide direct access to the recording for quick download. To further complement this advanced feature, email settings can be configured to allow multiple users to receive the recordings when they become available.
Simplifying access to recordings in OAM will make reviewing conference calls more convenient for MeetingOne customers.
Enjoy Better Conference Calls with Updates to OAM
Administrative updates to OAM will certainly prove to simplify many things:
- Time is saved when uploading contacts
- Users can provide easier call access to specified contacts
- Audio rooms can more easily be secured
- Instantaneous access to call discussions will make reviewing important conversations more convenient
And with all these benefits, customers will enjoy a more simplified process for making better conference calls.
All updates will come standard with OAM beginning November 26th.
OAM’s not the only system to be updated. Read about the upgrades we’ve made to Click&Meet.
Would you like some help locating or using these new updates? We can help get you pointed in the right direction. Email our Support Team!
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