Adobe Connect is for more than business!

Adobe Connect is the premium web conferencing platform on the market, and you probably already know that you can use it for web meetings, eLearning courses and webinars.
But have you thought about how else you can use Adobe Connect? The use cases are endless! This summer MeetingOne offered an exclusive yoga class available to anyone from the convenience of their homes. At MeetingOne, we provide a variety of interesting webinars that allow participants an opportunity to learn more about running effective meetings, eliminating digital distractions, and the like.
But with this yoga class, we aimed to make a positive impact for those who use web conferencing, and help the people who make our business possible, flourish and lead lives infused with strength, health, purpose, and creativity.

Curious how our yoga class will flow?
A) A live instructor will be verbally and physically running through the poses (asanas),
B) written cues available above the instructor webcam for additional instruction,
C) gentle, soothing music will be playing during the class and,
D) a section for optional questions will be available!
Visuals from a practice run!