6 Quick Tips to Dazzle during your next Webinar

Did you know that a webinar is short for Web-based seminar? A Webinar is a presentation, lecture, workshop or seminar that is transmitted over the web using a web conferencing platform. The key feature of a Webinar is its interactive elements — or the ability to give, receive, and discuss information.
Way too many businesses call their online events a webinar, when in reality it’s a Webcast! A webcast is when data is transmitted one way and does not allow interaction between the presenter and the audience. Generally, if you attend an online presentation where the host/speaker just, well… speaks at you– you’re at a webcast.
Webinars are a great way to generate awareness around your product, company, idea, event, build relationships with prospects or existing clients and generate new leads through engagement. Webcasts are a great way to bore your audience because you are not interacting with the very people you are trying to sell or retain!
Keeping your webinar attendees engaged and feeling as though they are getting something worthwhile is one of the most important pieces when developing your webinar (delivering AWESOME content is another huge piece — more on that in a future blog!). If nothing else, learn and follow these fun tips so that you can dazzle during your next webinar!
1. Do Not Panic.

Public speaking is scary! But at least hosting a webinar means you won’t get tomatoes thrown at you. I have two sure ways to help alleviate feelings of panic:
1st–PRACTICE! Seriously, 2-3 dry-runs at a minimum and always be sure to have a back-up speaker in case a question arises that you can’t answer.
2nd–Take a moment. Forget what you were saying, or an important point? Take a moment to step back and breathe. Technical error? They tend to happen. Don’t sweat it, take a moment to tell yourself it’s OKAY!
2. Get to the Point.
I’ve noticed a correlation with people who don’t mind speaking, with also being long-winded. Don’t make your audience suffer by explaining 5,000,000 different things before you get to content you promised to share. Always get straight to the point or you will lose them or confuse them. Your audience will only remember 10% of what you say anyway, make sure they remember the RIGHT thing! And PRACTICE getting to the point!
3. Engage your Audience.
People register and show up to webinars for one primary reason: to learn. As you may know, people must beengaged to learn.
How to keep them engaged? Ask for feedback, answers to questions, opinions, anything that is relevant to why they are there and what their business is. Utilize the tools you have in your web conferencing platform like chat pods, polls, and whiteboards. Show funny videos (that are relevant), show PASSION, give them tools to help them succeed….mainly, just be RELEVANT to their needs and you will keep them engaged.
4. Keep it Upbeat.
Be fun, fast-paced and not uber-professional. Webinars are a wonderful time to build relationships. Show people that you are not just a professional company, but a likable one! Don’t dwell on any mistakes, laugh it off and talk about it.
5. Give ’em Something.
Webinars are great sales tools — don’t just say adios when you’re finished delivering content– give them something tangible to hold on to, refer back to, basically keep your company top of mind as an expert resource (or just an awesome company!). Give them access to a whitepaper, free trial, library of resources, YouTube videos, free templates, eGuides, recordings, tutorials…again whatever is RELEVANT to your business. Keep the buyer journey moving right along with this step!
6. Summarize and say Adios.
Now that you have kept yourself together, entertained and gave em’ something neat, you can summarize what was shared and discussed, what the key takeaways should have been (ask what their key takeaways were too!), ask for any remaining questions, then say goodbye and wish them well.
*Offer to stick around via chat to answer any remaining questions and to converse with your guests with your camera and audio off. (Tip: At the end of my webinars I always direct them to a survey to ask about their webinar experience so that we can keep improving!).