The Future is Now: Mobile Web Conferencing
Let’s do a quick thought experiment.
Take a second and count to yourself how many adults you know who don’t have a smartphone. How many did you count? Out of the hundreds of people I know, I can think of only ONE person who doesn’t have a smartphone.
The simple matter is that we are a technologically mobile society, and world. In fact, over a billion people are using mobile devices. And many use their phones and tablets as much as 3 hours a day. Mobile technology is now a social normalcy. The Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) business model, makes sense.
There’s information that suggests individuals who use mobile devices for work are more productive than those who don’t. One study has shown that mobile users increase their productivity by over 60%. With an ease of access to emails and work files, employees can use mobile devices to multitask better.
Undoubtedly, many members of your virtual team relish the freedom mobile devices allow. And if you’re thinking that it would be beneficial to make mobile flexibility a regular part of your business, you are on the right track for the future. Give your teams the mobile opportunities they want, and tap into the tremendous potential mobile web conferencing.
To help you still get the most out of mobile web conferencing, we’ve laid out some of the things you should consider when looking into the mobile apps of web conferencing providers. Additionally, we provide you a few ideas on how to better manage web conferences on mobile devices.
Important Considerations for Mobile Web Conferencing
On the market right now, there are over 50 Apps available for web conferencing. That’s a lot to choose from. As you evaluate different providers, like WebEx, GoToMeeting, Zoom, ReadyTalk, and so on, you need to be aware of certain limitations that can impede web conferencing on mobile devices.
General Limitations
Not all web conferencing Apps allow for the mobile uploading and sharing of documentation. This is important to consider if you plan on hosting web conferences from mobile devices. You want to make sure any App you use allows you to share materials without difficulty.
Content developed in HTML5 may not translate for mobile users. As a result, certain downloads you may have for your team may not be accessible to mobile participants in webinars or online training. To learn what HTML5 features and applications are compatible with mobile devices, check out Mobile HTML5.
Bandwidth is always an issue for mobile users. Certain regions of the U.S. have greater and worse levels of 4G Bandwidth coverage. Depending on where you and your virtual teamwork, lacking bandwidth may affect mobile web conferencing. Determine what bandwidth availability in your area by clicking here.
Operating System Obstacles
Any web conferencing App you use should be compatible with iOS 9 – the latest Apple upgrades to their operating system.
MP4s are the future of rich content for online sharing. Not all web conferencing Apps support MP4. As a result, your iPhone and iPad users may not be able to watch the MP4 videos or audio recordings you upload.
For compatibility purposes, your web conferencing app should also work with Android’s newest OS version called “Marshmallow” (6.0 & 6.0.1). Many web conferencing apps don’t function properly even with the older system, “Lollipop.”
Mobile Web Conferencing with Adobe Connect
You may be wondering why we made such a big deal about mobile devices if they’re limited when it comes to web conferencing. Well, we have a solution. The Adobe Connect Mobile App eliminates many of the above issues and meets many of your needs and those of mobile users.
The current version of their App is MP4 compatible, allows hosts to upload and share documents, and it maintains the White Boarding capacities of their broader software.
When it comes to mobile web conferencing with the Adobe Connect App, focus on how you can best manage user experience through content. Do so successfully, and you will find your mobile users much happier with their participation.
Make sure your online trainings aren’t packed with too many mediums of content.
With average 4G LTE speeds of 10Mbps in the U.S., most mobile users will be able to stream videos and download files, but encourage them to watch a video while downloading files and chatting – that might be a bit much.
When using the File Share Pod in Adobe Connect, make sure all files you make available for download are smaller than 500 MB. Anything larger may not be downloadable on a mobile device. Also, be aware that handing out too many downloads can deplete a device’s memory.
Substitute Chat Pods with Poll Pods. Although Chat Pods drive engagement, the soft keyboard of a mobile device often make typing challenging – and distract from the content of online trainings and webinars. Polls create engagement while reducing touchscreen issues.
Minimize the amount of information you present with Sharing Pods. Smaller screens, smaller displays. Place too much text in a single Pod, and valuable material may be missed.
Mobile Apps can be a tool for improving the access and reach of your web conferences. The simple fact is that we are in a world fueled by the convenience and everyday use of mobile devices. This trend will only continue to grow. Get ahead of the learning curve now, and make the most of mobile web conferencing.
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