Top 3 Conference Call Etiquette Bloopers of 2016 (& How to Avoid Them)

Workplace blunders are…well…part of business.  They’re bound to happen.  May as well laugh when you can and learn from the mistakes!    Now that 2016 is over, we thought it would be fun to share 3 of last year’s top conference call etiquette bloopers that made us here at MeetingOne wince.  But we couldn’t leave you without […]

Rencontrez MeetingOne au salon Educatec-Educatice 2016

Rencontrez MeetingOne au salon Educatec Educatice 2016

Vous êtes un acteur dans l’éducation primaire, secondaire ou supérieur et vous êtes intéressés par la technologie au service de l’éducation? Alors ne manquez pas le salon Educatec Educatice ces mercredi 16, jeudi 17 et vendredi 18 novembre prochains. C’est l’occasion de rencontrer en un seul lieu une centaine de professionnels du secteur de l’éducation. Cette […]

Better audio conferences indeed

Big Updates = Big Win for Audio Conferences using Improved Click&Meet Features

How much can tech updates improve audio conferences?  A lot. At MeetingOne, we’re proud to announce that updates we’ve made to our visual interface Click&Meet will help our customers make the most out of their conference calls. Customers can NOW expect greater management of conference call attendees, enhanced in-call participation, new user controls, added enrichment to […]

Wish You Could Have a Perfect Conference Call?

Do you ever find yourself day-dreaming about what it would like to have a perfect conference call?  Maybe I’m just a conferencing nerd, but, imagine what it would be like… You pick up your phone and dial-in to the conference.  Everything seems normal as you wait for a minute or two.  Then other attendees begin to […]

Overcome Drab Virtual Meeting Rooms for Your Next Online Meeting

Boxed in by the grey-toned walls of a drab cubicle, a young business person sighs as she enters a virtual meeting room. Although she’s eager for the meeting itself, the virtual room is monotonous and bland, and she finds herself soon fighting cruel boredom.  The last thing she wanted was another boxy space, devoid of […]

Be a Better Boss in Online Meetings

No one wants to be the boss that everyone dreads to meet with and struggles to understand. They throw URGENT in every subject line, include twelve exclamation marks in an IM, and send emails in all CAPS.  You can never get a sense of what they want, what to prioritize, and how they want things […]

Martin Luther King, Jr.: A Reflection on Preparation

 Between 1957 and 1968, King delivered over 2,500 speeches across the nation, including the world-renowned “I Have a Dream” speech.  Given on August 28th of 1963, King spoke to an estimated 250,000 people who had earlier marched on Washington D.C. This speech and King’s general efforts to push for equal civil rights redefined this country […]

Learn to Balance Your Training Content

This may come as a surprise… You can easily overload your webinar or web-based training participants with too much information.  And too little information may prove underwhelming. Fear of “Death by PowerPoint” has swept across corporate America, leaving many anxious about presentations at large.  Worse yet, these info heavy meetings have proven inefficient. What about […]

Get the Online Conferencing Checklist!

In a recent blog, we shared questions you should ask yourself when Picking a Top Conferencing Provider, like Adobe Connect, GoToMeeting or WebEx. I received numerous emails asking for a consolidated list that names the top conferencing features, platform components and licensing options to help them determine what all is available on the market. With so […]

Liven Up On-Demand Training with Adobe Connect Interactive Recordings!

With Adobe Connect, you don’t have the run of the mill recording, which is the standard video capture of the meeting screen. Which is how most web conferencing platforms record. Adobe Connect went outside the box and allows users more functionality than ever before; it’s interactive and completely indexed! When you start the typical web conference […]

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