3 Signs Your Small Business Should Invest in Web Conferencing
Small businesses are branching out. According to research from Software Advice, an online resource for VoIP and telecom software buyers, small businesses have recently begun this shift towards web conferencing. Not only can small businesses utilize conferencing solutions to enhance internal communications, it is also useful for managing client communications. And with powerful and collaborative conferencing tools available for brainstorming, managing projects and setting up shop just about anywhere, the office environment isn’t as rigid as it used to be.
Software Advice surveyed 389 employees who use web conferencing and conference calls at work about their conferencing preferences and then they turned to telecommunications experts to help interpret findings. From these findings we have come up with the top three signs your small business should start investing in conferencing tools to stay ahead of the competition.
As telecommuting becomes more popular, web conferencing tools are becoming crucial to maintain collaboration and workforce efficiency for remote and internal workers. With conferencing tools, telecommuters and remote employees are now able to stay on track and can add insights into day-to-day operations and new policies more than ever before with online meetings! According to Software Advice, 1 in 4 employees are already using web or audio conferencing at work, this number will increase as more companies adopt this technology.

1 in 4 Employees Uses Web or Audio Conferencing at Work
Nearly one-fourth (24 percent) of the sample, combined, worked in jobs that involve some use of conferencing: 15 percent said they “occasionally” use it, while only 9 percent of the sample reported “frequently” using conferencing technology at work.
Generally, all businesses have some form of weekly meetings… sales meetings, operations meeting, employee/manager check-points. The reality is key players for each meetings may not always be in the office. They could be traveling or home sick. Having an online conferencing tool available for employees to utilize will ensure that while they are not in the office, they will not miss important meetings!

Employees Evenly Split in Conferencing Preferences
When employees were asked whether they preferred web conferencing or audio conference calls, it was found that allegiances to the two methods were about equal, according to Software Advice.
These percentages are too close to generalize as to which method of conferencing is ultimately more popular. This finding strongly suggests that these employees favor different conferencing methods for different purposes, since they don’t have a preferred solution that serves as their first recourse in every context.
Well-trained employees are essential to the success of your business. Unfortunately, a business’ training budget is often not a priority. Web conferencing software is an essential tool that allows you to have meetings and training sessions with members of your team or clients who are located across the country or even on another continent at any time without spending a lot of money. In the digital age, it’s not necessary to work only with employees who are local, and the same rule applies with clients. With this becoming the growing trend, great communication tools are essential.
Employees Prefer Video for Training, Audio Conferencing for Internal Communications
To get more specific results for when employees use conference calling and videoconferencing, the sample was presented with common use cases for both methods, and asked them in which cases they would prefer one method over the other. Here’s what Software Advice found:
There is not a significant difference to which employees prefer videoconferencing or audio conferencing for communicating with coworkers. In particular, respondents favored videoconferencing for interviewing, on-boarding and training far more than audio conferencing. Twenty-nine percent preferred videoconferencing in this context, whereas less than half as many (13 percent) preferred conference calling.
Want to review the full survey on conferencing trends in small businesses? Download the full report from Software Advice.
These findings from Software Advice are powerful for small business owners looking to understand the changing workforce and market trends when it comes to conferencing. A company’s decision regarding which conferencing solution to adopt hinges on what contexts and processes the solution will be used in.
It is important to consider whether your small business needs a large remote workforce, whether internal processes need to be streamlined to maximize ROI or if your business model involves a large customer service component. These needs should guide your approach to the use of conferencing technology. For small businesses, web conferencing can play a key role in how successful you are. It can help you save money, look professional and start collaborating instantly.