Building Bridges with Virtual Teams
Building bridges with virtual teams is often hard, as the virtual distance can be a barrier to relationships. To overcome the distance as a leader, we suggest you learn how to build trust bridges. A trust bridge, similar to a truss bridge – a bridge composed of connected elements forming triangular units, makes good use of little material to remain sturdy and durable. Trust itself is the material that can bridge any relationship.
Yet, trust cannot stand on its own.
Each end of a trust bridge must be laid on a firm foundation.
If you face the obstacle of virtual distance, read on to learn how to construct strong foundations for trust.
The Foundations of a Trust Bridge
Every bridge is grounded by two abutments, or a foundation made of solid materials to hold up a bridge’s end. Trust bridges are no different. They require two abutments to “provide [the] vertical and lateral support” necessary for developing relationships. The two essential abutments of a trust bridge are the Communication Abutment & the Emotion Abutment.
The Communication Abutment
The Communication Abutment is the foundation for your trust bridge where you establish a point of relation with virtual teams through constant communication of business’ goals. Constant communication is a basic requirement for good relationships with virtual teams. When virtual teams are spread throughout the country or world, successfully managing them requires you consistently communicate each persons’ role in the achievement of a business’ progress. Constantly reiterating business purpose in a personalized way will help your employees recognize your understanding of business direction, which will lead them to trust you.
The Emotion Abutment
Your trust bridge also depends upon an Emotion Abutment, the foundation where you create a strong emotional basis with your virtual teams. As with constant communication, making emotional connections is a crucial base for healthy relations with virtual teams. We all know non-verbal communication is just as important in conversations as the verbal aspect, so to retain the authenticity of strong, Face-to-Face communication, you need to emotionally connect with your virtual team members. Creating a connection can be as simple as giving praise or encouragement, but it may require you take the time to empathize with a struggling team member. Even virtual distance can’t block the trust you will gain when you lay a strong emotional foundation.
Emotional connections and constant communication are the necessary abutments for building trust with your virtual teams. Your virtual teams will recognize your commitment to them, and in turn, they will be more willing to trust you. With these two foundations in place, your trust bridge is set. Using this bridge, you can expect to have better collaboration, more effective meetings, and strengthened group strategizing with your virtual teams.
Build a Bridge with your Virtual Teams!

For more ideas on how to improve relationships with virtual teams, check out our eBook, “Bridge the Distance: Five Ways to Help Your Virtual Team Thrive.”