Understand & Encourage Millennials in the Workplace
Portrait of the Millennial Generation
Who (or what) are these “Millennials? Overly pampered, participation-trophy-hugging, hippie-hipster crybabies? Awkward creatures dependent upon cell phones and social media for life? Or, are they the “Gadget Gurus” and social activists that are not only redefining the workplace but reshaping the world? Different generations may want to paint them as this or that, but the simple matter is that Millennials defy (often intentionally) expectations and definitions.
In an interesting study, IBM found that this generation wants the same basic things in the workplace: managers that are ethical, work that is meaningful, and an opportunity to impact their employer. Millennials are most motivated by (and do the best work for) supervisors who make work meaningful, encourage collaboration, and promote discussion. Think of them as painters, eager to create and moved by passion.
How are you or your company providing for this generation?
We all know Millennials are quite comfortable with technology. So, here’s a suggestion: incorporate modes of online training and web conferencing into their work week.
Easel, Paint, and Brushes
When it comes to
training and engaging this group, interactive technologies like web conferencing platforms provide this generation a canvas. Such systems offer dynamic means for engagement, a place for feedback and expression, and an ideal space to impart business purpose and direction.
Also, note that more students are coming out of the higher education system having used Learning Management Systems (LMS), such as Blackboard or D2L. Consequently, online learning is well grasped by this generation—and expected.
In the past, participation during meetings was often affected by group size. With an online medium like Adobe Connect, you can encourage all participants to contribute ideas with Chat and Poll Pods. From a business standpoint, it is easy to review and utilize this feedback to better understand employees’ perspectives and implement new strategies. Using a web platform is an excellent way to connect with Millennials! For other ideas about engagement, check out our eBook, “Engage Learners using Adobe Connect’s Interactive Pods.”
When using Adobe Connect for training, you can easily situate Chat Pod and Q&A Boxes in a variety of layouts, where trainees can engage the instructor and each other at any time. When it comes to collaboration exercises, partner Millennials in Breakout Rooms to address and resolve issues and debates. In an online setting, your easel is rich with colors. Allow your creativity to drive their inspiration.
Retouching the Image
Despite what you might think of Millennials, broad strokes fail to paint an accurate picture of Generation Y. They are a manageable group. They want to have their ideas taken seriously and their strategies considered.
To speak metaphorically, they want to demonstrate their brushwork. The difficulty comes in making the right adjustments.